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Kakuemon角右衛門 特別純米酒 美山錦仕込(金)R3BY特別純米
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After the 0th meeting at Akita Kuraku, move on to the main @Akita Sakebai Japan's No.1 izakaya category in the food log 🏮. 2nd visit We skipped the beer toast and started with this month's set of 3 sake tasting! Junmai sake is Kakuemon Special Junmai Miyamanishiki. It's a junmai sake, but it's easy to drink and you can taste the fruitiness. Akita's sake is deep 🍶. This store does not bring a bottle of sake each time. They brought us a batch of sake in the last minute, so I was able to take a picture of it! They remember what kind of sake you asked for! extensive knowledge Rice] Miyamanishiki 60% polished rice Alcohol content】16.5%. Yeast] Akita yeast No.12 Sake Degree Kakuemon" is a special fire-aged Junmai sake. The mild fruity aroma and concentrated flavor are pleasant, and the sharpness unique to Kakuemon sake makes it a refreshing and enjoyable "gold label" sake.
Hello, Shinshin SY😄 Oooh❣️∀°°*/ sake cup❣️ That's nice 🎶 How did you manage to get a reservation?
Good evening, T.KISO. It was a special meeting, so I properly made a reservation a month in advance. It seemed that the restaurant was full on that day as well. The waitress was running around.