Kid純米吟醸酒 にごりざけ生
There was quite a bit of lees❄ so I was looking forward to see how long it would take to open the bottle again, but there was no reaction at all😅🍶.
Let's start with the top clear 🎶😋😋.
The aroma has a slight ginjo aroma but not much 😉.
In the mouth, there is a strong gassy sensation 🫧🫧🫧 followed by a sweet taste in the mouth 😋😆🎶.
Next I will try it on the lees🎶😉😉✨️
The aroma is more sweet and lactic 😋✨️✨️
On the palate, the top plus sweetness and some bitterness at the end is very tasty 🎶😋😋I personally prefer it with lees 😆😋🎶.
Pika, good evening.
That's a great amount of kotara lees 😲.
I remember having it a while ago and it was very tasty ✨
I liked it better with the lees involved too 😋.
Good evening, ma-ka-🎶.
Thank you for your comments. 👍️
I just saw ma-ka-'s comment on the Kuheiji nigori and I will try to get some more Kuheiji as soon as possible 🎶🍶 I am planning to wait a little longer for my turn.