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Takasago純米大吟醸 火入純米大吟醸
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The aroma is gorgeous, with a fruity atmosphere that reminds one of rum and pineapple. However, it is never harsh and mild. When you include it, your brain wonders if it will be sweet if it goes on like this, but surprisingly, it is not sweet. It has umami, a hint of rice sweetness, and a touch of sourness that comes in a flurry at the end. Even after a few days, it doesn't fall apart and maintains its balance. The richness and sweetness have increased a little. The sweetness comes slowly, but it disappears quickly. It ends with a slight bitterness. The sake maker told us that this sake was brewed to be enjoyed with meals rather than as a jikin, but it is a delicious sake that can be enjoyed as a mealtime sake or on its own.
Good morning, Kotaro 😃I've never had Takasago, but when I hear that it was brewed to be better with food than it is now, it makes me regret why I haven't tried it before 😭It's on my list to buy next time 👍.
Good evening, Mr. Wakata! The wine was a little bit fruity and calm, sweet and crisp, and would go well with any meal. ☺️ A little bit extravagant, but next time by all means 👍✨!