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Masaaki SapporoMasaaki Sapporo
Daishinshu掟破り 純米大吟醸生詰純米大吟醸生酛生詰酒
Daishinshu Check-in 1Daishinshu Check-in 2
酒舗 七蔵
Masaaki Sapporo
8 points 100% Kinmon-Nishiki produced in Nagano Prefecture Sake strength: +4 Acidity: 1.4 Rice polishing ratio: 49 Alcohol content: 16 Sake Shop Shichikura (Sapporo) Subdued and fruity on the nose It has a gorgeous but mild aroma, a moderate sweetness, and a deliciously balanced umami flavor. It is crisp and clean, and both the food and the sake complement each other. It goes well with any meal, Japanese, Western, or Chinese.