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19La fee des fleurs 生酒生酒おりがらみ
alt 1
Hasegawa Saketen (はせがわ酒店)
Sweet and sour peach-colored sake. I have never seen such pink sake before. La fee des fleurs" means flower fairies. The aroma was slightly sour. The orikake was very fine and seemed to be entwined with the tongue. It has a fruity acidity and a slightly bubbly, juicy mouthfeel. The pink ooze that had settled at the bottom of the bottle and started bubbling up when the bottle was opened was a beautiful sight. But be careful, because it will spill out if you leave it as it is. The alcohol content is low at 10 degrees and the taste is similar to "Beau Michelle" from the same Nagano Prefecture. The mantis label is also cute.