SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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A week after opening the bottle, which is early for me these days. Sometimes there are immediate reviews. Conclusion. It tastes good after a week! Tastes better than right after. The most notable thing is the acidity. It is sweet and sour but not too sweet. It is sharp and beautiful. It is very tasty. If you don't consider the price. I would like to match it with sauteed pork. The bowl is from a restaurant in Tachikawa, something came out from the back. I want to go there after a long time.
Good evening, Sato-san. I haven't been able to go there since the price went up. I want to go there after a long time, too.
Good morning, Mr. Nochi! Yes, it is! It's Ate Maki. I used to go there in front of Corona, but it has become expensive. But there are many restaurants in Tachikawa that I would like to visit after a long time, so I might be excited to go there.