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Tensei純米吟醸 愛山 火入れ原酒
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Kumazawa Brewing (熊澤酒造)
This is a local sake from Chigasaki. A colleague at work raved about it, so I bought a bottle. This is my favorite Aizan, and you can feel the flavor of the rice! It's a calm and delicious sake because it's been heat-treated. 3.5 Stars From the following HP Specific name Junmai Ginjo Rice used: Aiyama 60% polished rice Alcohol content 16 degrees Sake degree +2.0 Acidity 1.45 It is a sake of bliss, with a mellow and moderate aroma, a graceful hint of fragrance in the mouth, and a refined, smooth and clean taste that pursues the umami of the rice to the limit.