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Nito🐇🐇純吟雄町五十五うすにごり生 直ぐみ純米吟醸生酒にごり酒
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Shusendo Mini
February 10 is the Day of the Two Rabbits🐇🐇. Gorin Pic ㉓ for home drinking When the bottle was opened, it tasted a little stiff. On the second or third day, the taste opened up 🌸fruity 👍sweetness with a sourness like lemon or grapefruit 😋. 100% Omachi Polishing ratio 55%, alcohol 16%. Light ⭐️⭐️ Brilliant⭐️⭐️ Sweetness⭐️⭐️✨ Bitterness⭐️⭐️✨ Acidity⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ Kick⭐️⭐️ Degree of liking⭐️⭐️⭐️✨ Degree of niggles🦍 Two rabbits → Okazaki → Miso → Miso-nikomi udon 🫕. So this time I got Marugame Seimen's store and period limited 🫕😋. The noodles are so soft and so crumbly 🫠. (The picture doesn't look too tasty either😅) I still think hard noodles are better for potstickers 🧐. Udonut chocolate flavor to go.
Good morning, Ace! Ni-Utsuri Udon" from February 10 🥰. I was astonished by the miso nikkomi udon that skipped the idea from there, but I didn't know that Marugame Seimen has an Aichi limited miso nikkomi udon!
Hi Ace 🐦. You are indeed right! Two rabbits opened on the day of two rabbits🎉I want to try my best to buy nigori next year🐰🐰 Miso stew seems to be delicious with hard noodles🤔I made it again this morning with red miso & hard noodles from Kakuei 😁.
Hi Gyve, Thank you very much 🙇‍♂️ I've been playing the association game from "two rabbits" to "miso" 🤭I think there are only a few places in Marugame, Aichi that do miso nikomi 🤔I had to wait 10-15 minutes for it and it didn't taste good 😅.
Hi, Pon... I made a note 🐇🐇 to remember this year 😄 I'm so glad you enjoyed the noodle soup! I'm so proud of you for cooking with Okazaki Kakuyu Miso 😂👏.