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Kid純米吟醸 夏の疾風純米吟醸
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酒縁 しょう榮
Went straight there after work at 9:00 p.m. Long time no see Shoei-san! I told the master about the topic of the manager of Itokura I visited the day before, and now let's drink 🍶. Two cool 🆒 of the six kinds recommended today. It got up to 32 degrees in Yamagata today, so it was a summer sake at first! We got off to a good start with a refreshing and easy drinking ⏯. extensive knowledge When you open the bottle, the fruity ginjo aroma invites you in like a fragrant apple. When you drink it, it is light and gentle on the palate, with a cool breeze like a wind blowing through the mountains. However, it is not only light, but also has a firm umami flavor, and the crisp dryness and refreshing malic acidity will soothe the summer heat while providing plenty of drinking power. Rice used: Gohyakumangoku Polishing: Koji rice: 50% / Kake rice: 55 Specified name sake, etc. Junmai Ginso / Fire-aged sake Strength 15.0