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Kirinzan Nagareboshi (brand-name sake brewer) On my way home from work, I went to the Hanging Garden in Hakusan! Cherry blossom season is the best. I've always been curious about this beautiful blue bottle. A refreshing fragrance. Clear, mellow and Well-balanced sweetness and acidity It has a refreshing bitterness and Rounded umami. The lingering aftertaste, which continues gently It flows like a shooting star. Delicious. It finally bloomed last week, and now the leaves are already out and beginning to fall... So early... so fleeting... so lonely... We have to drink it. === Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Raw material rice: Gohyakumangoku produced in Aga-machi Rice polishing ratio: 45 Alcohol content: 15 degrees Celsius Sake degree: +3.0 Acidity: 1.3 1,210 yen per 300ml === ★★★★☆