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Shinshu Kirei山惠錦 真里ラベル純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Nagano Purchased from Okazaki Sake Brewery Expedition to Nagano to buy this one: ✈️ This year is the year of the rabbit, so a rabbit is carrying the shell! The label is as beautiful and cute as last year's label🏷 and I look forward to it every year♪ Today I finished my medical checkup, so I opened a special bottle that I had been hesitant to open 💁. Opened the bottle immediately 🍶This is delicious😊. The moment it enters the mouth, it has a rich fruity taste and a rich yet beautiful sharpness that makes it extremely delicious 😋. I guess Shinshu Kamerei's Yamae Nishiki is the best... I also love Junmai Ginjyo Yamae Nishiki, is there any difference? I'll try to compare them next time 🤔. I love it, it's one of the best of Shinshu Kamerei! I will definitely buy it again next year! Thanks for the treat♪
Chilled tomatoes, also here â Mari label is delicious 💕! I find Shinshu Kamerei tastes best on the second day, and this one had that taste from the moment the bottle was opened 😋 We're going to buy it again next year 😄♪
Good evening, Tsubu-chan! I have a feeling this will be the most delicious sake of the year for me personally... It's hard to go to Okazaki Sake Brewery, but it's something I look forward to every year 🤗.