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Takashimaya (大阪タカシマヤ)
The 7th Takashimaya Sake Festival (3) I drank it because it was a sake rice I didn't know. I drank Daisen Shirakiku Junmai Shirakiku Rice It's from the Omachi lineage, so it has a little Omachi-ness to it. It has a rich umami taste, which I like a lot. Daisen Shirakiku Junmai Yumachi-70 A little sourness. As the brewer said, it is also good warmed up. Daisen Shirakiku Junmai Shuzo Nishiki It is said to be read as "Miki-nishiki. They said they found this rice in the process of searching for Shirakiku rice. It is difficult to describe. I felt it was a little too refreshing, but I was told it was because of the order in which I drank it 🤣.