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Kameizumi純米吟醸生原酒 CEL-24純米吟醸原酒生酒
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酒縁 しょう榮
So, it's time to choose three bottles of Oras for this evening! Discussing with the master in front of the cold storage room. I found a sake from Kochi! It was the first sake I had this year and I couldn't forget it, so I ordered it. CEL-24" is a good taste and good mouthfeel! It was the right choice! At the end of the meal, we had ochazuke! Knowledge CEL-24" yeast, which is the origin of the name, was developed in Kochi Prefecture. It is said to be very aromatic and sour, with a sweet and sour taste as its characteristics. Its moist sweetness and high aroma are ideal for drinking cold sake.