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ささまさむね山田錦 純米吟醸 限定品純米吟醸生酒
ささまさむね Check-in 1
ささまさむね Check-in 2ささまさむね Check-in 3
Let's ask for something you're interested in, a drink you haven't had much of from this area! Just in time for the dishes to appear! Yongenton Pork Saikyo Yaki 🐖! There were many famous sake from Fukushima tonight, but we decided on this one! Sasama Samune, a limited edition! It's not even on the internet! One of us posted about it on Sake-no-wa! It is such a limited edition! The taste is gentle, like a Japanese pear, without any artificial flavors! We tried various tastes of this grilled pork, such as dipping it in mayonnaise, dipping it in a special sauce, or eating it as it is while drinking the samasama samune! I hope to meet him again somewhere! When I asked the owner where he gets this kind of sake, he told me that the young master has various sources. I look forward to seeing him again in the future. extensive knowledge There was no information on the internet.