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Daishinshu超辛口 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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博多 御膳屋
Here is the fourth cup While we were discussing about sake, the manager of the restaurant brought us a drink that was not listed on the menu, but he said he had one of these 😊. My first time to try Daishinshu❗️ I've been wanting to meet you once ❗️. I'm so happy😊. Like Aomori, Shinshu sake also has an aroma of apple🍎... This is an assumption ❓ No, it's true ❗️ And when you put it in your mouth, you can hardly feel the sweetness and acidity of apples, but the crisp and dry taste that comes in a rush... It's as dry as it says on the bottle 👍
Haruei Chichi Hi there 😀 I had the same impression when I drank it before 😛 It has a fruity apple aroma but it's surprisingly dry 🤔It might be my No.1 Gap sake😁.
Good evening, Tuna Fisherman! I thought you were just drunk, but I'm relieved to hear that you feel the same way😁. I'm so glad you like it! It's definitely a gap drink ️.