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亀甲花菱純米 生原酒 無濾過中取り純米原酒生酒中取り無濾過
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I've been curious about this brand from Saitama for a long time. When I live in Saitama, I see the name here and there in various places, but it doesn't come true... This time, I was finally able to drink it! My first impression was that it was like Matsu Midori's Special Junmai! The umami is very strong, and the sweetness doesn't overpower the acidity, so you can drink it without getting bored. The sweetness doesn't overpower the acidity, so you can drink it without getting bored. However, the umami is more pronounced in this one. According to a certain book that introduces this sake, it is described as "the umami pops like a rubber ball", which at first glance makes no sense, but once you drink it, it becomes somewhat understandable. On the second day, the acidity receded a little, and the strength of the umami and alcohol (17-18 degrees) became clearer than the day before. After that, the sense of Matsumidori (green pine) becomes more and more distant. In any case, the strength of the umami comes to the fore, and it should be called umami bakudan. Do you like strong sake? If you do, please try it. It's interesting!
kzsh1017 It may seem dense compared to Koenigiku, which has a crisp taste, but it's a local sake with character and ability. If you have the chance, by all means!
Hello flos_lingua_est😃. Kamekoharabishi is a rich and delicious sake👍. I think it is one of the best sake in Saitama prefecture.
Mr. Hirakucho. Hello!!! I'm with you on this one~. I think this richness is addictive. In Saitama, I think Hanayoi, Igarashi, Sairai, and Kameko-Karabishi are the Four Heavenly Kings!
flos_lingua_est, you're right. That Saitama Four Heavenly Kings, each with their own personality, is a good choice👍. I think Kamikame is exceptional, and Kagamiyama is also very good.
Mr. Hirakucho. Ahhh! You had Kamikame and Kagamiyama! There was lots of good sake! lol! Saitama may be a surprisingly good place for sake🤭.
kzsh1017. For some reason, you can't buy Igarashi at the brewery 🥲. But I think it's delicious, so I want people to try it somehow! Hosono Shoten also has a lot of good sake!
kzsh1017. I am embarrassed by my ignorance💦 From now on, I want to be proud of Saitama's sake〜. I'm sorry that I kind of led you on. I hope you can find a store near you that carries it 😥.
kzsh1017. I'm relieved to hear you say that😭. It's a shop run by a young couple, and it's one of the few places where you can buy a rare brand called ROOM. It is true that Saitama is full of liquor stores unexpectedly!