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Dewazakura Check-in 1Dewazakura Check-in 2
やっぱ はいりっち
This place sells bad soba, so I ordered soba to close out the meal. The owner brought the soba and took a bite, saying he would start with salt. It was not bad...but very good! The soba at this restaurant is still very good👍 The fourth drink I drank while slurping soba was Dewazakura's Izumi Jyudan. It was my first time to drink this. I don't drink alcoholic drinks at home. The aroma is not strong, but you can feel the ginjo aroma. The taste is of rice, and it finishes with a nice finish. I don't know how difficult it is because I'm already drunk. As I thought with Yukimanzan, even al-soaked sake is good. I haven't bought Dewazakura recently because it is available everywhere, but now that I taste it again, I can say that it is delicious. I'm going to buy some Dewazakura for drinking at home next time. I ordered soba (buckwheat noodles) to finish the meal, but it was so good that I had to order more. MAJ, he was a gentleman as I felt remotely. Thank you MAJ for your time 🙇♂ Have a drink again 😁.
Good evening, TOMO! I was surprised to see that you had been drinking for 3 hours! I was surprised to see the time that you had been drinking for 3 hours 😆👍! 😱Let's drink again 😋😋.
Good evening, MAJ 😊. The soba noodles were delicious 😁I had quite a bit to drink because of the amount of food in one bowl 🤣. I bet the owner was funny 😁.