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Ichinokura3.11 未来へつなぐバトン特別純米
Ichinokura Check-in 1Ichinokura Check-in 2
Ichinokura Check-in 3Ichinokura Check-in 4
Special Junmai Sake 3.11 Baton for the Future 100% Kuranohana, 60% polished rice ALC 17% Donation to the Hatachi Fund This sake was recently purchased at Aoki Shoten in Chigasaki, where we purchased Tenju, Koshi, and Senkou from the Risshun Asa Shibori Junmai Ginjo-Nama Sake event held by the Nippon Meimon Sake Kai. The brewer of Ichinokura launched the "Baton for the Future: Saving Children through Brewing and Fermentation Project" in December 2011 in order to pass on the support given to the brewery in the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake to the children affected by the disaster in the form of a "thank you" gift. Since then, they have been selling the "3.11 Baton for the Future" and donating all proceeds from the sales to the Hatachi Fund, a support fund for children affected by the disaster. I bought a bottle thinking that it was a small support that even an old man who drinks can do. I first enjoyed it at room temperature (cold sake). It was slightly sweet to slightly dry. I think it is a smooth and easy to drink sake. Chigasaki Aoki Shoten: 20230304 Purchased and opened