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Toyobai's autumn sake. I had never had it before, I bought it this year. When I poured it into a glass and put my nose close to it The ginjo aroma is very strong. It is a good aroma. The taste is surprisingly crisp. It is different from my concept of what it should be, I think there are a lot of sake that have a sharp taste rather than a round taste. I think there are a lot of sake. 🤔 I wonder if this is also a trend of the year? It's usually tasty, but I think I prefer sake at this time of year to be full of umami, as autumn sake should be. But today is the far shore of the year, on my wife's side. I took my in-laws to visit the grave on my wife's side. and bought sushi on the way home. and had a drink from noon on the last day of a good three-day weekend. It was a good last day of a three-day weekend. Cost ¥2151(720ml)
Hi, yan 😃. Hi Yann 😃 Oh! We just had the same thing 🤗. It was indeed a sharp and sharp Toyobai 😗After visiting the cemetery, lunchtime drinking with sushi is a good way to tighten up 👍
Good evening, Jaynobi. It's been a long time since I had a lunchtime drink & a full stomach, so I immediately I fell 😪💤. Well, it's good sometimes 🤣.
Good evening, Mr. Yan! I also had a sip of Toyobai hiyaoroshi when I was out drinking it, and I thought it was pretty dry. According to information from Aomori, it seems to open up after a couple of days 😅. J&N's house was already empty 😂.
Good evening, Matsuchiyo-san. I drank it for 3 days, I drank it over 3 days, but the taste didn't change much. It might have been better to raise the temperature range. I think it might have been better to raise the temperature range. I think it would have been better to raise the temperature range 🤔. (I drank it cold.)