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Ine to Agave Check-in 1Ine to Agave Check-in 2
Personal preference 3.7/5 Rice polishing ratio 90 Alcohol content 15 Rice and agave purchased from Sukumasa! Finally meet the rice and agave! I've never had agave syrup before, so this was a complete first for me! I had imagined it to be like a tequila-like procession! The color was yellowish, with a strong freshness and a moderate sweetness... I thought it would be a little sweet, but the sweetness came later. As I finished it, the color darkened and the sweetness became stronger. Still, the freshness is stronger than the sweetness. I grilled local bamboo shoots with foil! This is delicious but be careful not to eat too much! Thanks for the treat 😋.
Good evening, Ofuji💫. I'm so glad you were able to go to Sukuisho. ⁉️ that's amazing 👏I'm sure it was a long way. I haven't been there yet, so I admire you 😄The bamboo shoots look fresh too ✨Lots to look forward to in the spring 👍.
Good evening, Ofuji! I've been curious about the rice and agave series, but I haven't been able to get my hands on it because it varies so much from one type to another 😅I got a good sense of the flavor from your review! I wonder if I can come across them...
Hello Uma, Hello ✨ I went there! It was indeed a long way 💦. No, no, you can get there if you work hard 😊. I haven't even finished eating the bamboo shoots yet, but they are delicious since I removed the acumen from them!
Hello, Pon-chan! I've never had any of the other series, so I got this one recommended by the waitress! But it's not that peculiar! It's true that you don't see it very often😅.
Rafa papa
Good evening Mr. Ofuji😃. I would love to try the rice and agave series but I have never seen it 🥲 how can I come across it 🙄⁉️ jealous... 🤣
Hello Rafa papa😊 You certainly don't see many of these 💦I finally came across them when I went to this store.... But I'm sure you have more drinks in your hands that I haven't seen 😏.