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abeたかね錦 タンク2純米吟醸原酒生酒おりがらみ発泡
Abe Takananishiki Junmai Ginjo The only capron type in the Abe series. Junmai Ginjo-shu made from Niigata Prefecture's sake rice, Takananishiki. Comparison of Abé by tank 🍶. Tank #2 The color is the same here, with a hint of orikori involved. The sweetness seems a bit more subdued than tank #1, and the aftertaste is a bit more bitter than tank #2, so I realized once again that even though they are the same Abeno pink, they are still different 😆.
Hi Orenji 😃 Abe🩷's ‼️ by tank is a wonderful and gorgeous drinking comparison 🤗. We had tank 1, but this one seems to be a better match for tank 2 😋. I'm looking forward to the Abé-chan💚 coming up!
Jay & Nobby. Thanks for your comment 😊 Abe, you are a bit of a fanatic about drinking by the tank, aren't you? LOL! I'm looking forward to it, as Abé 💚 is my personal favorite!