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The 13th brewery at the Shimane Sake Fair. ■Kinpou Sake Brewery "Kinpou", Shimane Prefecture/ Yasugi City I heard it is locally famous for "Daisen for mountain and Kinpou for sake", but this was my first time to see it 😅. Lafcadio Hearn came to Japan to Shimane and lived there for a while, which led to the commercialization of [Herun]. (Romanized reading of Hearn is "Herun") I wanted to try 【Herun】, which won the gold medal at the 2022 "Delicious Sake in a Wine Glass Award", and was allowed to taste it from the end. Honjozo Herun. This sake is beyond the image of Honjozo, and has a sweet and delicious taste without a sake-like flavor. Special Junmai Hern The full-bodied flavor of the rice can be felt well. Junmai Ginjo Hern Fruity and easy to drink. Daiginjo Kinpou The brewer explained that daiginjos need to be aged at a low temperature before they can be shipped. This daiginjo was very tasty. Junmai Ginjo Kinpou It has a delicious aroma from the first aroma. The aroma is delicious from the top aroma, and when you drink it, it has a mellow, umami taste that is extremely delicious. The taste of Kinpou is quite robust, and you can fully enjoy the umami and sweetness of the rice, and it also has a good sharpness. I got the exact opposite impression from bouken😅.
Hi Nemuchi 😃 To be honest, I'm not sure because I almost only remember it being fruity 🤣.
bouken, good morning ☀☀☀ I thought Kimpo was pretty much my favorite type, I thought it was fruity and a little sweet... 🤔Also I have almost total amnesia 🤣.