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Jikon特別純米 無濾過生特別純米生酒無濾過
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酒縁 しょう榮
I see two types of metaphysics in cold storage. Which one will come out? One is covered with transparent paper. Unfortunately, this one did not come out. The standard special junmai unfiltered draft came out! If there is an all-you-can-drink option, I'd like to try it! The last time I visited this store, the owner and I looked into the cold storage room and was allowed to take out the 1.5 liter and 4.5 liter bottles, but they were so full that if you didn't take them out properly, the bottles would be pushed out! So this time, we left it to Mrs. Kikuchi to look at them from a distance. What kind of specs will we be able to see this time? Please look forward to it! extensive knowledge Rice : Koji/Yamadanishiki, Kake/Gohyakumangoku Rice polishing ratio : 60 Sake Degree : ±0 Acidity : 1.9 Alcohol content : 16