SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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🎶Dawn, it's dawn, isn't it?   A~oh~kara~ ah~ka~he A famous song by T. Rats & Star. It's lipstick on a shirt. Every time I see this sake, I hum it inside. The handsome owner says that this is one of the best new sakes, and I have high expectations for it. The aroma is modest, but the ginjo aroma is strong. The mouthfeel has a robust umami from a dry base. Yet, there is a sense of freshness. Well, it's delicious! The acidity and bitterness are also very sharp and quite satisfying. After 2 days of drinking, the bitterness has appeared, but that is also good. Don't torture me, it's just a sake word. 〜Bento, bow tie, and sunglasses! Thank you very much for the treat!
Good evening Colonel Lal 😊. I was drinking today, watching YouTube, because I was nostalgic for the Rats & Stars more than for the alcohol. I'm going to go buy a bottle of "Before Dawn" as I've only had it once 🤗.
Good evening, Mr. Swissisan 😁. It's nice to drink while watching old videos for some reason 😄I also drink while watching Misato Watanabe and Judy Mari👍. Be careful when you go shopping 🤘.