SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
勢正宗SILVER CARP もち米熱掛四段仕込み 純米吟醸 火入れ
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God's will (in Christianity) Sourness due to slight effervescence. Sweet, but with a nice sharpness. I like it. When paired with grilled bandits, the oil and saltiness are refreshingly washed away by the slight carbonation and overwritten by the sweetness, making for an excellent pairing. This sake won first place at a rare event held at the end of August to select the best sake from Shinshu that goes well with sanzokuyaki. My prediction was wrong, but after drinking it again, I was convinced. On a side note, I sometimes see people playing with AI concierge when I search for sake-no-wa, and I am one of them. X-posts below the 2nd place (Nagano Sake Brewers Association) https://x.gd/1wh46