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Kubota千寿 秋あがり 吟醸原酒吟醸原酒ひやおろし
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Kubota Senju Autumn Agari Ginjo Genshu Sake Day, Kubota's Autumn Agari! Gorgeous sweet banana-like aroma. Mellow mouthfeel with a hint of sweetness. It has a rich umami flavor that hits you hard. It's dry with a lingering finish that slowly fades away. It is delicious. It's been almost a year since I switched from beer to sake, starting with Kubota Aki Agari last year. Even though I live in Niigata, I never thought there would be so many different kinds of sake for each season. Always something new to discover. A never-ending journey. Today is my mother's birthday, so I 🌸 flowers. I don't drink sake, so it's completely for me and my father. I didn't know it until this year, but she was born on a good day. It's also coffee day. I like them both. Also, today is the last run of the regular Joetsu Shinkansen double-decker MAX Toki. 🚅💨 It's a shame that I couldn't ride it for the last time because of the August Corona. It's a shame I couldn't ride it last because of Corona in August. I'm looking forward to my next trip to Tokyo. === Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malt (domestic), Brewing alcohol Rice type: Gohyakumangoku (Niigata Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio: Koji rice 50%, Kake rice 55 Alcohol content: 19 degrees 720ml 1,595yen === ★★★★☆