Glorious Mt.Fuji森のくまさん おりがらみ:妙延 純米大吟醸 無濾過生原酒
After three consecutive holidays, my wife's fever has broken and she's feeling better ✨.
We couldn't go to Kyoto for Hatsumode (New Year's visit to Kyoto), but instead, we decided to have a relaxing drink at home and opened this one 🍶.
Eikofuji Morinokuma-san Orikagarami: Myonobu Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu.
I was interested in Morinokuma-san, which I learned of its existence last season, and bought it together with the Kibotsuru at the local liquor store where I bought the Kibotsuru✨.
[I bought it together with the Kihon Tsuru.]
Floral rice aroma, a slight gassy feeling at the mouth, then a penetrating umami, sweetness, mellow and mellow, and a pleasantly lingering, peachy aroma.
The same floral rice aroma, a tangy gassy mouthfeel, clear umami, and underlying sweetness, followed by a mellow finish and a lingering peachy sweet aroma that leaves the nose.
When mixed with orikomi, the umami becomes even stronger, and a cheese-like aroma that escapes through the nose is added.
Sashimi of Ehime horse mackerel and Tokushima kanpachi (yellowtail) are served with the entrée. 🐟️
Supporting Kumamoto through the connection with Kiyomasa Kato, a sake brewery in Yamagata ✨.
We are still suffering from the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, but we will do what we can to support the recovery of Kumamoto ✨.
The 4th picture is "Shoyu Shiratsuyu" from "Menya Katsuki" because I wanted to eat ramen recently!
Hi Gyve, hi.
I'm really happy for your wife's recovery🍀.
And Morinokuma-san, I often see you on Sake-no-wa, the lingering aroma sounds good and delicious✨.
Eikoufuji is also a very interesting sake 😊.
Good evening, ma-ki🌛.
I'm sorry for your concern 🙇.
I made my daughters miss you too😅.
In recent years, the local liquor store has been focusing on "Eiko-Fuji" and this year is probably the first time they have it in stock 😁.
It's also the first sake rice ✨.
Hi Jive 🐦.
I'm glad your wife's fever is down🥹.
I've never had Orikagarami 🥺I'd love to try it in Mokkiri: ❣️
I was going to buy some this year and forgot all about it 💦I'll see you next year 😊.
Good evening, Pon-chan 🌛.
We have managed to get back to normal at home, but 11 out of 16 children in my eldest daughter's preschool class are absent due to the flu 😲.
No end in sight to the infectious disease season 😵.
Please come back next year ✨