SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Denshu四割五部 百田純米大吟醸
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Nagano Purchased at a liquor store Sake Expedition I was looking for sake to drink at the hotel on the way to Nagano and Gunma today for a two day and one night trip 🍶 and I bought this 💁. A one-cup bottle of Tasake, Junmai Daiginjo! I thought "Hyakuda" was the brand name of Tasake, but it turns out there is a sake rice called Hyakuda 🤔I remember buying it when I was in Comet without thinking it was sake rice 😝. It's a one-cup bottle, but it was also priced in the 900 yen range, so my expectations were high😊. Opened the bottle right away 🍶It's delicious😊. The mouthfeel has a strong rice flavor, low acidity and a clean aftertaste. ☺️ I don't remember Tasake having such a delicious mouthfeel. I like it better than any other Tasake I've had. The design of the can is very stylish, and it overturns the image of one-cup = cheap sake. I think it would be fun to try more one-cups in this price range... but I guess that would be difficult 😓. Thank you for the treat....
Good evening, chilled tomatoes 😃. Buying sake 🍶 alone trip! I like it 🤗. If you don't have a car, you can go around while tasting 😁 but if you want to go around a lot, a car 🚙 is better 🤔I'm not sure 😅I'd like to try this can of Tasake! I'd like to try it 😋.
Good evening Jay & Nobby! I think the purpose of my solo trips lately has been all about sake 😂. I can't ride if I drink, so I'd like to try many things with these one-cup drinks 🍶. I still have a lot of sake I want to try!