SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Comparison of drinks One more drink You can never be too careful I forgot to take a picture of the lightning endorsement earlier. You can never be too careful. Coordinator Yuzaburo Hirashima, same here. When you put it in your mouth, it is as easy to drink as if it were lightning! This one is not hard, but soft. It tastes like pears, too! We sipped the sake alternately, sipping it little by little as we sipped our cups. The entrée is freshly fried and hot menchikatsu! And here is also a hot cheese kinchi-gatsu! It was a perfect accompaniment to sake! I was surprised to find such a rare sake in Kagoshima! I checked the postings of "Sake no Wa" and found only three! extensive knowledge Characteristics of this sake The first sip has a pleasant green apple-like flavor and a strong bitterness. Rice (Koji rice) Hiroshima Omachi Rice used (Kake rice) Hiroshima Omachi Polishing ratio (Koji rice) 40 Polishing ratio (Kake rice) 40% (Kake rice) Yeast Not disclosed Sake Degree Not disclosed Acidity Not disclosed Alcohol Content 16% alcohol by volume Brewing Company Aihara Sake Brewing Company
>Mr. Shin Shin SY Good evening! I thought that the labels of "Denkou-Shikkaku" and "Aburayadayakudaimyo" looked similar and they are from the same brewery. I thought they were similar and they are from the same brewery. The naming is excellent 😆. And quite a rare sake!
Good evening, Choroki-san. I heard that Mr. Hirashima produced not only "Denko Ishikka" and "Aburadan Oyamatte" but also "Mukamonaka" and "Hunters' Holiday" and other sake with unusual names. The rice polishing ratio is 40%, which makes it an easy-drinking sake that I prefer 🍶.
http://www.hirasima-sake.net/shop Here is a list of sake named by Yuzaburo Hirashima. For your reference.
>Mr. Shin Shin SY. Thank you very much. I saw your website. I see that you have a lot of original sake. I have a chance to visit Fukuoka in November. I will try to visit this store.