I had some Sentori before the rebranding.
I thought about keeping it, but it doesn't make sense, so I'll drink it.
Ahhhh, this is so good!
It has a strong sweetness with a slight bitterness.
It was good after the re-branding, but the old one is still good too!
It's a sake full of the "standard" of SENKYO in my mind... I can't say "SENKYO" in my mind is this taste.
It makes me feel at ease.
Well, it's just my opinion, but...
Even though Sentori has been rebranded, it still has the basic "Sentori" character. I need to re-drink the new product as well. The fourth bottle of the rebrand is in our fridge, so I'm looking forward to the weekend (tomorrow) 😅.
Thank you for your comment AAJI.
I think this taste (sourness and sweetness) is what makes Senkou so special!
I'm looking forward to your review as I haven't got the 4th rebranded bottle and onwards 😊.
Good evening, udon buns 😃.
I have not had a chance to try the ICHIKI yet, so I want to see how it tastes when it is fire-roasted 🤗.
Thanks for all your comments, Jay & Nobby 😊.
I knew this is what Sentori is all about! I'm looking forward to the first one as I've only had the first one myself!