Nice to meet you, Mr. Hirotogawa.
I have heard rumors about you for a long time, but this is the first time I can finally taste you!
The last bottle of Hirotogawa nigori was sold out right in front of me, so I gave up and chose this one.
Let's start with the aroma!
Yes, it has a sweet cemedine-type aroma!
I have a feeling the taste is going to be strong when you drink it: ‼️
Now, let's hit it (sip)!
It has a good balance of sweetness, umami, sourness, and bitterness. The aftertaste is quite sweet, so I would recommend this bottle to those who like sweet sake. ‼️
Hi Yoshiyoshi 😃
Sorry about the nigori 😢 but congrats on your first Hirotogawa ㊗️ 🎉!
Tokujun is one of the most deeply delicious bottles 😌.
Thanks again, Jay & Nobby! It's been a while since I've been away from drinking for the dock 🙇.
I have a feeling I'm going to get addicted to this Hirotogawa as it tastes great both cold and hot 😄.