SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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酒楽 くらた商店
It's been a little while since the beginning of the year, but we had a New Year's party at the Tochigi Prefectural Association 2024🤗⑭. The last sake was Tatenogawa. It is extremely soft on the palate and sinks in as soon as you take a sip. The sweet, clear, refreshing taste is enchanting. I left after the first meeting, but everyone went to the second party🐾. Thank you to the master of Kurata Shoten and the members of the Kenmin Kai for a great time 🥹I'm looking forward to the next one 🤭 Tochigi love 🩷 as soon as it's over!
Good evening, Kotori 😃. I didn't take notes📝 so I can't raise them! while saying 😅Thank you for the full review with your great memory and as always great expressions 😊. Let's do it again 👋
Hi Jay & Nobby 😊 again, I was amazed at how fast paced everyone was 😂I remember seeing the sake bottles lined up later 📸 and drinking Inazo and Hikoson... 🙄 I hope to see you all again 🤭.