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日本酒 エビス
Kasumi Romain, Fukushima Prefecture: Light nigori, unpasteurized sake Type: Junmai Ginjo Ingredients: Rice (from Aizu), Rice malt (from Aizu) Rice Koji : Gohyakumangoku Kake: Yumeko Yondan rice: Himenomochi Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 16 degrees Celsius The price of a glass was about 200 yen more than Reimei or Masamune, but I regretfully don't remember much about it... but I think it was sweet and easy to drink. It is a raw sake that meets the requirements of both raw sake without heating and raw sake without adding water. It is "freshly brewed sake" as it is pressed at the brewery. It is characterized by its freshness and freshness, as well as the original flavor and aroma of sake, and has a rich and punchy taste. The label is very cute. It's dreamy and cute. Gentle fruitiness. The Loman series offers a variety of sakes with the perfect quality for each season. The Kasumi Romain is bottled in February and is a new sake that has just been bottled.