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Okunokami純米 中取り 直汲み 生酒
Okunokami Check-in 1Okunokami Check-in 2
Kansai Salmon Wagura Gathering (2) After toasting "Hana-yosu", each table ordered drinks one after another. We chose this refreshing summery bottle design for our first saké. Yamori Junmai Nakadori Nao Kumi Nama Sake The aroma was fresh and sweet like rum, and the sweetness on the palate was followed by a refreshing aftertaste. Reminds me of the Ramune I drank in the summer when I was a child. I want to drink it in the cool of the evening when it will be hot from now on.
Hi Jive, good evening here as well. Yamori~. I had the same one last year and remembered how delicious it was 😊. I'm sure there will be a lot of summer sake coming out in the near future, so a cool evening drink might be a good idea 🎵
Hi, ma-ki-chan! In Fukui, there is only one restaurant that has "YAMORI" so I don't have many chances to drink it 😁. The last few years have been extremely hot, so I'm hoping for weather that will allow for cooler evenings 💦.