SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! (^^)/ It was another hot day today. Iwate prefecture has a tornado warning and it looks like it could be bad in some places. (@_@) Yesterday, I attended a celebration party. I brought a bottle of Ryusen Yaezakura Junmai Daiginjo. Actually, it was the first time for me to drink this brand, so I asked President Yaegashi Yoshikichiro to confirm the taste before serving it to everyone. It is a light and delicious taste. It has a soft sweetness and umami flavor that spreads in the mouth and is especially good with sashimi and vinegared dishes. Everyone was pleased with the sake, as it is a local sake that they don't often have a chance to drink. So, an explanation for the fourth photo. When I returned home and was about to take a bath, my wife was searching Netflix and suddenly started laughing. I asked her, "What? She pointed at me and said, "This is stupid, but it makes me laugh. Hell's Garden." The story is about a conflict between factions of office workers at a company and a girl who gets caught up in it. The office workers of the faction are dressed as "yankee" and they are in a battle with each other! No, no, no, that's a wacky setup~ (laughs). (Laughs) The company would have fired her in a single shot. It's too silly a development, but you can't help but laugh until the end. And the four guys on the left are already out. (^_^;)