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Shusen Eiko純米大吟醸 新緑純米大吟醸
Shusen Eiko Check-in 1Shusen Eiko Check-in 2
Shusen Eiko Check-in 3Shusen Eiko Check-in 4
May 1, 2024 Evening drink at home. Opened a bottle of Eiko Shuzo's early summer limited edition sake, Shinryoku. It is a fire-aged sake with a slight leesiness. It has a gorgeous heady aroma. It is a deliciously acidic sake with a moderate sweetness. It has a refreshing taste with a lot of acidity. It has a refreshing taste with considerable acidity. It has a refreshing taste with a lot of acidity. It is a bottle that makes you feel the freshness of fresh greenery. It goes well with local flounder sashimi, grilled sweetfish and jako-ten (fish cake) from Yawatahama. I enjoyed it with local
Good evening. The grilled sweetfish looks very meaty and delicious 😋 After reading the details of the sake, I really want to drink it. The delicacy coming from your comment makes me thirsty 😆.
>>Chrisbrz. Good morning ☀️ This ayu fish (farmed) was out of season with a baby fish. I was so hungry 😅 It was the perfect refreshing sake to go with the early summer snacks. It was the perfect refreshing sake for early summer snacks. It was a perfect match with the meal 👍.
Mr. abibuta Hi there... I always envy your gorgeous dining table when I read your repos 😁.
>>Koza. Hello ☀️ I tend to cook a lot of dishes only when I drink sake 😅. I tend to have more dishes when I drink sake😅.