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SenkinUA さくら吹雪原酒
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The sweet and sour taste spreads at the same time as the schwirling. The color is like an acerola, and it is more sour than the normal Sakura. I missed buying it at the off-line meeting in spring and bought it later at Asano-san, which started selling Sentori🌸. I noticed that spring had passed and it was the rainy season, but I think this one was drinkable in gogoku and suited the season when it gets hotter. No, it was the price that I shouldn't drink it in gulps 💧. 720 mL ¥ 3,200
Hi Yoohee! You drank a good one 👍✨I wish it was a little more, at least 2500 yen 😢 then I could gobble it down without worrying 😅.
Pon, good evening. ⭐︎ I'm buying UA's because I'm going to drink it once, but I don't think I'll bother to buy it next year 💧. I don't think I'll bother to buy it next year , since it's targeted at 20-30 year olds,