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Mikotsuru純米吟醸 山恵錦純米吟醸
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Let's drink up. Let's take another tour of the cold storage. I found this! Gokotsuru. I've never had it yet! I've seen it at Sake-no-Wa a lot lately! It was also featured in dancyu! I decided to try Kagoshima's sake Tenpyo! Mikotsuru Junmai Ginjo Yamae Nishiki It is a delicious sake that lives up to its reputation! It is an easy-drinking sake with a hint of ginjo (ginjo aroma). I'm going to drink it with the aperitifs I just had! Knowledge Gokotsuru Junmai Ginjo Yamae Nishiki" was awarded the Gold Medal in the SAKE Junmai Ginjo category at the International Wine Challenge, the world's top sake competition, held in London. The "Champion Sake", the highest award out of 1499 entries from all over the world, was also awarded to "Yamakine Nishiki". This means that we are the No. 1 sake producer in the world.