Kaze no MoriALPHA TYPE 5
It's been a while since I've been to Kaze no Mori.
This is the first time for me to heat sake.
I didn't have any special equipment.
I warmed it up just as I saw fit.
I put the cup in a pot of boiling water and heated it.
It was probably about 35 degrees Celsius. There was a sticker on it that changed color.
I took out the cup and sipped it.
My image of heated sake is Aki Yashiro's Funauta.
It was like, "If you drink it deeply, you will feel it deeply..." But I drank it without hesitation.
The aroma is nice.
The fruity flavor of Kaze no Mori is the same.
Although I did not prepare it, I thought it would be good with grilled squid as a side dish.
The flavor was very clean and spread nicely on the palate with no cloying taste.
The aftertaste is also very refreshing.
I thought it was very tasty!
I also had it with cold sake.
This is the usual Kaze no Mori.
This is the first time for me to taste a kijoshu.
I felt like there was a lingering aftertaste after drinking it.
Good evening, Mr. Pekkar.
ALPHA5, it was my first wind forest: ⤴️
I remember being impressed at the time, not realizing it was a heated sake ✨.
This year I got it for the first time in a long time, so I'm going to enjoy it while imagining Aki Yashiro 😊.
Thank you for your comment, ma-ki-!
Both Kaze no Mori and Aki Yashiro have said that they like their sake warmed to lukewarm~!
I think I finally understand why.