It's a house drink🎶.
It was a gift 😊.
I assumed it would be better if it was heated up! So I heated it up 🍶.
Great decision 👌😍
I think it's in the dry category but it's not that dry, it's round and umami 👌👌👌👌
bouken, in your recent post, you commented that you haven't had any sake from the northern part of Kyoto (Kameoka, Tanba).
I may be the first person to live in Kyoto and drink northern sake at home😅.
Good evening, Aochan.
Elderly people tend to be classic types, so maybe warmed sake would be better than cold sake 😊.
Good evening, bouken😊.
It was my first time to drink it and it was delicious heated 😊.
I had a little bit of cold sake and a little bit of hiya later but it was classic and not for me 😅