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Fusano KankikuTrue White 雄町50純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Smooth to drink, with a sweetness that is typical of pear and chrysanthemum spodum, and the rich flavor of Omachi. The bitterness and beautiful acidity round out the taste. Since it is a bit thick, it is best to cool it down to a crisp! This was the first time for me to try White, but it was perfect for a quick nourishing drink on a night in Chiba when the daytime temperatures rose to 30 degrees Celsius. ☺️ 🐈️🐈️🐈️ I'm also looking forward to the Orikagami Red.
Good evening, Lara's Sake 😃. True White looks awesome 🤤. I was looking forward to True Red too, but I heard that it will not be produced this year due to a review of the lineup, etc. It's a shame because I love ogara-mi 😢.
Aladdin, good evening 😊. It was my first white delicious. Please visit 🐈️. Is there no red this year? I was expecting more red, 😭