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HyakujuroSUKEROKU 純米吟醸<生>純米吟醸生酒
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Kabuki Labels Hyakujuro has been out Since I drank it in Morioka before It tastes like an apple! There are many of my favorite sakes available at this restaurant today! The five kinds of snacks are also perfect 💯! Thank you very much! extensive knowledge Super G yeast, developed by Gifu Prefecture and finally licensed for use in April 2019, is used. The sake rice is Hatsushimo, a rare edible rice produced in Gifu, the brewery's hometown, by Mori Rice, an agricultural corporation in its 40s that is aggressively expanding its farmland. The harvest time is late, and the rice is slowly cultivated until the first frost in November, which is the origin of the word "Hatsushimo. Despite the fact that it is not sake rice, it is large-grained, and the flavor is easily imparted immediately after pressing.