SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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Niigata Prefecture. Nagaoka City. Hasegawa Brewery Co. Echigo Yukikohbai Special Junmai Sake. The most popular sake at the department store tasting was said to be "Echigo Yukikenbai Junmai Ginjyo Yukikura Aged", but we bought this one because it was our favorite. I bought this one because it was my favorite. The color is clear. The aroma is sweet, with a hint of apricot and caramel. The mouthfeel is smooth, and it goes down the throat easily. The taste is clear, yet slightly sweet, with umami spreading gently and gradually over the tongue. It is unadorned, mild, and gentle, but it is also very tasty. The aroma that comes through to the nose after swallowing is also apricot-like. There is also a slight bitterness in the taste, and it leaves a slight astringency on the tongue. It is mild, but also tingling. Overall, the slow spread of flavor changes is interesting. Ingredients: rice (domestic), rice malt (domestic) Alcohol content: 15%. Polishing ratio: 58
Hi Nemuchi 😃 What a nostalgic label! Not related at all, but it reminded me of Lotte's Koume-chan 😆.
Haruei Chichi, good evening 🌛The label here has a nice atmosphere 😊The small red plum blossoms are indeed somewhat reminiscent of Koume-chan 😆.