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I knew it would be "Wataru: The Legend of the Magus Hero"! (While feeling the generation gap) So is the rumored famous Ryujinmaru by Takagaki Shuzo! This will fill up Wakayama... yay! The taste... oh, you can really feel the sweetness of the rice! Anyway, the sweetness of the rice flavor rushes in! The aftertaste is rather lingering, so I think it may be a matter of taste. Although I feel it is far away from the current modern style, I feel a sense of security when I drink it.... I like sweet and sour sake, but if I drink it all the time, I get a little bored, so I think it's important to reconsider sake with this kind of sake every once in a while.
Good morning, udon bread 😃. The voice in my brain replaying "ryujinmaruoooooo"... must be my age 😁. I've been wanting to drink it ever since I read the manga "Moyashimon" but I've never even seen it 🥺.
Thank you for your comment Aladdin😊. I knew when I saw this name... that's what it would be. I'm glad someone else understands 😂. I was able to find a place to buy it, although it is some distance away!