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HijiriHizirizm 酒母活性酒
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I knew from your post that it was definitely a good schwashy one... and I was going to drink it when it got hotter, but apparently it's going to be available in June, so I opened the bottle without wasting my time. I opened and closed the bottle for 15 minutes. Expectations were high. The aroma was sour and fruity. Of course, the bottle was automatically stirred, so we couldn't drink the supernatant, but we didn't care about such details! I didn't taste the top clear liquid, I just drank it. It was a refreshing, but not light flavor, but rather a strong, thick and fruity aroma of apple or lemon? Lemon? The taste is very strong. The 5 degrees Celsius makes it drinkable like a carbonated juice. It's more like a juice, a new sensation and delicious. It is a drink that I like to drink after taking a bath on a hot day, so I appreciate the fact that it is not intoxicating. I would like to try it again when it gets even hotter.
Kotaro-san konban-ha! This is ❗️ a very tasty one ❣️ Can you tell me the month of sale?
Good morning, Kotaro 😃. I've read your review and I'm sure it's good, but I didn't go through with it 🤔 because I thought it might be too light 😓. But when I read it, I wanted to have it before summer 🤗I will get it next time I see it 👍.
Hi Erin, nice to meet you. ☀️ This was a very tasty one 😊✨ I think I bought mine in the February lot👍
Hi Jay & Nobby, ☀️ It's a pretty low al schwash, but the flavor was more gutsy on it than I expected👍. If you see one, be sure to catch it and go for a gulp on a hot day 😆🍶.
(Thank you very much......................... I will check with my local ? I will check with my dealer to see what they have in stock😊. Please let me know if you have any more good drinks 🙏.
Erin, please check it out ✨If you don't have it now, it's supposed to come out again in June, so maybe it will come in soon? 🤔 Let me know if you need more information too 🥳.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Kotaro 😃. I want to drink this 😋. I can't drink this 🥲. What should I do 😭
Good evening, Rafa papa! I saw that there are only a few distributors in Kansai 😣 and barely any in Nara 🥲. I hope you can get it somehow because I want to share the taste with you ‼️🙏
Rafa papa, or come to Kanto to buy some 😆✨.