SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
pyonpyonI went to Zepp Osaka Bayside yesterday 💃💃💃💃💃💃✊It was so tight I almost ran out of acid 😵💥𧂥✊💥💥 I could have hit someone 😅I'll force the wolf connection and put the Kumezakura sake brew wolf🐺 that we had at Setogari Motomachi a while ago😃warmed of course 😃❤️ ❤️I like the way it makes me feel 🎵When it's warmed up, it gives a warm impression 🐺.
ポンちゃんHello pyonpyon🐦! Manwith🐺 live 〰👍I was hoping to win the fist pump ✊ you are right 😂. I see you have a drink named after Manma🐺😳Tastes gentle 😆.
ワカ太Hi pyonpyon😃Wow, I'm going to Manwith 😆💕that sounds like fun ‼️ Interesting wolf connection 🐺I've never had a drink before, but I was really curious to see what it was like to be a cuddler: ‼️
ひるぺこGood evening, pyonpyon. I am very happy to see that you are drinking wolf 👍Kumezakura is a very nice sake when you look at the sake and acidity levels 😳I would love to drink it!
pyonpyonGood evening Ponchan 😃It's a bit stuffy in the standing room 😵and you can't help but be pushed forward ✊and hit 😅wolf🍶🐺cute but the end impression is gentle with grain flavor: ❤️
pyonpyonGood evening Mr. Wakata😃😃I was lucky enough to win a ticket last November and again the other day❤️ I think the ultimate in kinky drinks 😅I prefer the gentle wolf 🍶🐺 lukewarm 🎵.
pyonpyonHirupeko Good evening😃🌃🐺🐺It's the one I drank at Setoka 🎵The acidity and grain flavor is mild when heated up 😆💕The way Setoka heats it up must be exquisite ❗