New brands handled by Icoma Sake Shop
It is thought that this is the only place in Kansai that handles this brand.
It seems that it is not sold outside of Saga.
I heard that it is well distributed in Karatsu city.
Mr. Gura said you can't find it in Fukuoka either.
The rice is Yamadanishiki.
Surprisingly, the aroma is gorgeous.
It is moderately sweet and has a perfect balance of sweet and spicy. It is a little apple-like. I think it is an all-rounder that can be drunk with food or on its own.
The label looks like it cost a lot of money.
Great level of quality in a hidden saga sake.
Hello bouken 😃.
I'm not from outside of Saga 🤗.
The clear blue label is cool too 🤩I'd like to try this 🤩I wonder if they will expand outside the prefecture like some other out of the gate 😆.
Good evening Jay & Nobby 😃.
I like the feel of this label too 😊Though it has nothing to do with the taste 🤣They wanted to expand their business but they had no contacts or channels 🥺If interested liquor stores contact them, they may increase the number of distributors 🤔.