SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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くつろぎ宿 新滝
Yesterday, I went to Tochigi for business. After completion, we went to some liquor stores such as Mashidaya and went shopping. After that, we went to some liquor stores and went shopping. From the left, Suehiro Shuzo's Genzai Tsurunoe Shuzo's Aizu Nakasho Tokujoshu, and Today's recommended dish is Gakujuro from Toyokuni Shuzo. All of them are the kind of sake to be displayed in a prize show (*^o^*) Very fruity Ginjo aroma! It smells like a flower. It smells like a flower! The sake is positive, but sweet. Also, it is very smooth and silky. It is easy to drink without any miscellaneous taste. It has a good acidity and a clean aftertaste. I'm going to visit some liquor stores in Fukushima today before going home.
Good morning, etorannzyu😃. It was a fulfilling day 😊. Aizu sake ♨️ at Higashiyama Onsen ♨️ in the backwoods of Aizu❗️I️ envy you! I hope you get a lot of great sake today too ^o^!
Haruei-chichi-san, good evening. I found out that I bought 20 bottles of sake in two days (laughs). I took a vacation while running errands, so I splurged a bit (*^o^*)
That is seriously too awesome ️! But that's how wonderful sake can be 钎😊. But it was quite a splurge ❓(^^)
This time, I bought mainly brands I've never drunk before and liquor limited to that liquor store, so I found myself buying so much... I'm not sure what to say, but I'm sure you'll understand. If you include lodging and transportation costs in that... ((((; pdp)))))))