SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
豊明夏純米生原酒 紫陽花
豊明 Check-in 1豊明 Check-in 2
Sake-no-wa Kansai Off-line Meeting ⑫ The 12th bottle was brought by [Rafapapa]. Toyoake Summer Junmai Nama Nama Shiyouka (Hydrangea). Rafa bought this bottle when he went back to his hometown in Japan, and the trip back was quite tough 😅. Slight carbonation on the tongue, sweet and sour image reminiscent of grapes. I looked it up again and found that it goes well with dried fruits, maybe I can try it sometime 😊. Thanks for the treat, Rafapapa 😋.
Rafa papa
Good morning Mr. Jive 😃. You describe the flavor characteristics in detail and review at this pace while also researching online 😳‼️ is awesome 🤣 I'm learning a lot 😊Please keep up the good work ☺️ certainly looks like a dried fruit match 😋.
Good evening Rafa 🌛. I was looking up some of the areas where I didn't have enough notes to refer to the internet 😆. I was actually putting together some work material during the night shift and kept posting my thoughts when I got stuck 😁.