SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
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We were enjoying a metaphysical dinner at home and decided to go out because we didn't want to cook dinner, so we went to a yakitori restaurant run by a classmate of ours 🚙. When I entered the restaurant, I was surprised! Two other classmates were there! I didn't expect to see them again 🫢. It was already almost ready, but since we were there, we decided to have a Keitora, which we had never had before 😋. It's a very light sake, typical of Niigata sake! It's quite dry! Great to drink with a snack! I'm going to finish it!
Good evening, Mr. Bousuke 😃 A round of yakitori after stretching at Jikin 😍Well, when your classmates join you there, you're in for a treat 😊.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌙. I was already in the mood for a good meeting 😁. As a result of being done, I slept in the bath again 💤 I don't remember how long I was in there😅.